Sunday, October 12, 2008

shocking news...

Well, southern indiana continues to surprise me.  
When telling wedding stories for today's sermon, I mentioned that I used to have my nose pierced.  And that's the first time I've gotten a gasp response from a sermon...not when talking about God's unconditional love for everyone, not that salvation is the freedom from ourselves in this life to serve our neighbor, not that they shouldn't come back next week if they are looking for some good deeds to get them into heaven....none of those did it.  But mention a nose ring and they all go nuts!  
One of the oldest members, the fellow who rings the bell every Sunday before worship, and the one who said, well if we have to have a female pastor, then it better be Jennifer, asked me on the way out, "You don't have your tongue pierced, right?"  
I wonder if it's safe to tell them I was once a vegetarian!  

I'll save the bellybutton ring for a few years....they aren't ready.