Monday, July 30, 2007

model home part deux

after letting folks know at church on sunday that there was water bubbling in our backyard, this is what we woke up to on monday morning:

a) the water was only shut off for 10 minutes and now we know how to shut it off when we replace the faucet for the washer.
b) we had not expanded the garden to that section of the yard
c) photo ops on a monday morning
d) live entertainment as i drank my coffee
e) something to post about

Thursday, July 26, 2007

the hungry pastor's spouse

Well, let's talk about the perks of being the spouse of a small town parish.

Sunday- we got a sack of tomatoes and 2 cukes

Monday - we ate fresh blts, with fresh cuke on the side

Tuesday - same lunch as yesterday!

Wednesday - a bucket o' cucumbers = a sweet bowl of cucumber salad! not to mention 2 zucchinis from a council meeting

Thursday - a sack of corn on the cob

I'm hungry just thinking about tomorrow...

with all this fresh food, I've had a full stomach to work on my guitar hero skills...which are improving, but i thought, hey...when are they coming out with guitar praise hero? you know, the version where you can jam with all your praise favorites like Sing to the Lord, Shine Jesus Shine and Holy, Holy, Holy. This has got potential for youth events and praise services, don't ya think?

I take it i'm not the only one who's got Shine Jesus Shine stuck in her head. (sorry)

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

life in the model home

well, this is no bluth manufactured home, but sometimes it seems close.

this is what we faced this week:

The light switch in the dining room, just keeps spinning around. sometimes the light gets brighter, sometimes dimmer, but never in an orderly fashion. It's hit or miss. Luckily, it still works.

Our washer and dryer were delivered, but cannot be completely hooked up. The faucet for the cold water, the water we can't wash without, is rusting away. We need to replace the faucet before we can hook up the washer. And does anyone in the church know how to turn off the water in this house???? Not a one. (I guess we'll wait for the plumber.) In the meantime, we'll just dry everything.

On the happier note, the windows in the house are sturdy. How do we know? Well, we've had at least 5 birds fly into our sliding door. Only one left a chunk of feathers. (ouch) The plan is to either, get a cat, or just put a large cat decal up on the glass, so the birds stay away. I'll let you know how all that pans out.

oh yeah, and the batteries in all of our remotes seem to be dying quickly. either all the batteries just died at the same time, or there is a strange power drain in the basement. not sure what the source of the drain could be...and if it is the washer, i'll just be frustrated that all that power is going to the unusable appliance. i'd much rather it go to the broken sewing machine...

Friday, July 20, 2007

You'll like Linton (tm)

Why might one like Linton?
Here are some reasons...

1) It's tough to get lost:
On a drive down the main street, you can go to your bank, your gym, the grocery store, the movie theatre, wal-mart, the laundromat, church, the chinese take out place, the tasty mexican place, and the bureau of motor vehicles.

2) Everything you need is at walmart
Well, almost everything. You can get a six pack of beer and a gun. But, you can't get hard liquor or a washer and dryer, go figure!

3) The Bureau of Motor Vehicles
You need a bank statement to get an Indiana license, but you need an Indiana license to get a bank account.

4) Need a vehicle? Go for a drive.
On the side of the road, you can buy a car, mini-van, van, tractor, even a tractor trailer.

5) The wildlife.
The bird feeder attracts many varieties of birds and bunnies snack on the seeds that fall to the ground. Although, beware of the danger. Birds have flown more than once into the kitchen windows and sliding doors in the dining room.

6) We can still play poker.
The only difference is that what used to be a 5 minute walk through campus is now an hour drive to bloomington....and it costs money!

7) The Fame!
All you need to be known in town is your name on the church sign and people know you.

8) Country life
One phone company won't hook up a line to your street address because they believe you should have a rural route address. geesh, i bet they think we called them on a tin can with a string....

love from linton,
jake, eh